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Brian Carroll

One Year and Counting...

Man, time really does fly when you’re having fun. I cannot believe it has already been one year since I started my own business! The journey has been fast-paced and so incredible.

Over the last year I’ve experienced so many emotions, from feeling really lost to the highest level of happiness and comfort. When I look back at my time spent helping people at area dealerships, I wouldn’t have traded those experiences for anything. I’ve met so many people that have grown into cherished relationships. The experiences over the last 30 years have shaped me, and I learned so much about the industry, helping people, and always doing what’s right – even when some treat you poorly.

Yes, it’s no secret now that I was unexpectedly and without cause terminated from my last car sales position. As the sole financial provider for my family, it hit me hard. But, it also taught me a lesson that I shared with my boys. Things happen in life that you don’t always agree with or like. It’s how you get back up when knocked down that truly defines a person’s character.

There are so many people I’d like to thank for lifting me up when I was knocked down. To all my customers who have stayed loyal to me over the years, thank you for your devotion. We are family. To all the new and potential customers from around the country who have graciously reached out and given us a try, thank you for your patience and trust. To my lovely wife, who has stood by my side and lifted me up through love, prayer and an incredible bond, thank you for always believing in me and pointing out God’s gifts when I didn’t see them myself.

The journey has been great, but we’re not done. Look for great things to come that will make your lives even easier with less hassle and more time to do the things you love.

Thanks for listening!


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